• Ivan Bocharin Privolzhsky Research Medical University Email: bocharin.ivan@mail.ru
  • Andrey Martusevich Privolzhsky Research Medical University Email: cryst-mart@yandex.ru
  • Maksim Guryanov Privolzhsky Research Medical University Email: msg210411@yandex.ru
  • Darya Checurova Privolzhsky Research Medical University Email: dariachechurova28@gmail.com
Keywords: physical activity, sports testing system, hemodynamics, heart rate variability, students


The purpose of the study in this article was to study the state of the hemodynamic parameters of students, depending on the presence or absence of sports training. The study included the results of a cardiointervalographic study of 102 students (age 19–20 years), differentiated into students who regularly engage in physical activity and students who have virtually no physical activity. For ECG registration and analysis of hemodynamic parameters, including those characterizing heart rate variability, the sports testing system "Medical Soft" (variant "MS FIT Pro", Russia) was used. Standard hemodynamic parameters (blood pressure level, pulse rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, etc.), statistical and spectral indicators of heart rate variability, as well as an integral criterion of the state of microcirculation were used for monitoring. The data analysis was performed in accordance with the age standards formed by the equipment developers. The study allowed us to establish that the studied hemodynamic indicators and parameters of heart rate variability in the majority of student-athletes generally fit within the physiological age range. The trained group of individuals had a lower level of heart rate, a lower risk of arrhythmogenic events, increased sympathetic stimulation of the myocardium, a larger volume of blood vessels and arteriole tone. Consequently, students engaged in physical exercises have greater adaptive reserves and better training of the myocardium.


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Author Biographies

Ivan Bocharin, Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Senior teacher of the department of physical culture and sport, Privolzhsky Research Medical University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), PhD student of the department of physiology and biochemistry, Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia).

Andrey Martusevich, Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Advanced Doctor in biological science, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Medical Biophysics, Privolzhsky Research Medical University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), professor of the department of physiology and biochemistry, Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia).

Maksim Guryanov, Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Advanced Doctor in medical science, Associate Professor, Head of the department of physical culture and sport, Privolzhsky Research Medical University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia).

Darya Checurova , Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Student of the medical faculty, Privolzhsky Research Medical University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia).


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How to Cite
Bocharin I., Martusevich A., Guryanov M., Checurova D. FEATURES OF THE STATE OF HEMODYNAMICS OF STUDENTS DEPENDING ON THE AVAILABILITY OF SPORTS TRAINING // Health, physical culture and sports, 2021. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 62-71. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/9753.
Medical and biological issues of human health
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