Do you want to send your materials for publication in this magazine? Please review the About us section, where you can read the editorial policy and author requirements. Future authors need to register as the Author, log in to your account and fill out an article submission form.

Pay attention to the structure and design rules Structure:

UDC (see the UDC reference:

Article title (in Russian and English);

Authors: for each author are indicated: Surname, name, patronymic of the author ( o) (in full, in Russian and English), academic degree and title, position, main place of work, city, country, email address, ORCID for each author);

Contribution of each author. (Taxonomy of participant roles): Concept development or methodology design; creating models, studying the problem (M), using statistical, mathematical, computational or other research (SI), conducting research and investigations, in particular conducting experiments or collecting data (PI), preparing, creating and writing manuscripts (PR), etc. (to formulate to the authors themselves) Abstract (in Russian and English).

The abstract should contain structured data (at least 250 words), consisting of the following sections: Introduction and purpose of the study, Material and methods, Results, Conclusions

Key words (in Russian and English, 5 words);

The main text of the article.

Bibliographic list (in that language, on which the source is written).


-text editor: WORD, with saving in doc format;

-font parameters: Times New Roman, 12 size, spacing 1;

-margins on all sides by 2 cm;

-pages should not be numbered;

references without numbering, separate with spaces The source in the list;

the volume of the entire manuscript - no more than 40,000 printed characters (approximately 10-24 A4 sheets)

The main text should contain structured data consisting of the following sections:


-Material and methods (Procedure or organization of research)


-Discussion (or Discussion of results )


-The references are not numbered and separated by a space.

Design of drawings, diagrams, graphs

- in the text of the article and send mail in separate files in JPG format

- drawings and photographs should have both numbering (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.) and thematic captions (name, where, when, copyright photo or materials from the Internet, then a single index is given resource);

- all designations given in the figures (if they are not generally accepted) should be explained in the captions to them or in the text;

- all lines and dots in the figures should be clearly visible, and should not merge when reduced.


- all tables should have both numbering and thematic headings, end-to-end numbering;

- tables are typed in Times New Roman font size 11;

- tables are placed within the working field;

- tables should preferably not be divided into several pages.

Bibliographic list (at least 20 sources). APA Style: Manuscripts must follow the APA Style (American Psychological Association Publication Guide, 7th Edition, 2019).

The list of references is compiled in alphabetical order, we do not number, indent between the sources.

If the article has a DOI, then this should be reflected in the link.

The electronic link must open - you must check it !!!

Translation into English and Transliteration (library of Congress, USA) ( edited by)

Editorial of the journal strongly recommends that authors register in the Orcid system and indicate their number when submitting an article. For each author, indicate Orcid, if not, then register on the website (preferably registering data in English).

Editorial staff accepts research articles and analytical reviews ranging in size from 20 thousand to 40 thousand characters with spaces (from 12 to 24 sheets of A4 format), short scientific reports - up to 0.4 copyright sheet (16 thousand characters with spaces), other materials - up to 0.15 copyright sheet (6 thousand characters with spaces), including information about the authors, illustrations and references. In exceptional cases, the editorial board accepts for consideration a larger volume of work (up to 1.5–2 pp) if they contain significant results recognized by the scientific community.

There are no strict restrictions on the number of authors, but then you need to indicate the contribution of each author (Author's statement CRediT: taxonomy of participant roles (

We offer our own structure. For each author, you can, in accordance with his contribution, indicate several roles:

A-Разработка концепции или дизайн методологии; создание моделей , изучение проблемы

B- Применение статистических, математических, вычислительных или других исследований

C- Проведение исследований, в частности проведение экспериментов или сбор данных

D- Подготовка, создание и оформление рукописи

Sending an article through the journal’s website or to the editor’s mail:

An electronic version of the article (and information about the authors after the text of the article) is sent to the editor. The name of the file must include the name of the author with the name of the city (university) and the type of document, for example: Ivanov M.V. - Novosibirsk - article.

Articles that are relevant to the journal and not previously published in other publications are accepted for publication.

Manuscripts not complying with the above rules will not be accepted.