Rules for writing an article

Primary requirements


  • UDC (see the UDC reference:
  • Title of the article (in Russian and English);
  • For each author, the following is indicated: Surname, name, patronymic of the author (s) (in full, in Russian and English), academic degree and title, position, main place of work, city, country, email address, Оrcid for each author ( );
  • Contribution of each author  (Taxonomy of participant roles). These values are listed below (see below)
  • Abstract (in Russian and English). The abstract should contain structured data (at least 250 words), consisting of sections: Introduction and purpose of the study, Material and methods, Results, Conclusions
  • Keywords (in Russian and English, 5 words);
  • The main text of the article.
  • Bibliographic list (in the language in which the source is written).


  • text editor: WORD, with saving in doc format;
  • font parameters: Times New Roman, 12 size, spacing 1;
  • margins on all sides of 2 cm;
  • pages should not be numbered;
  • links inside the text in parentheses: (Last name, year, page), (Last name, year; Last name, year, page) 
  • References in alphabetical order, without numbering, separate each source in the list with spaces

The main text should contain structured data consisting of sections:

  • Introduction
  • Material and methods (Procedure or organization of research)
  • Results
  • Discussion (or discussion of the results)
  • Conclusions
  • References are not numbered and separated by space

Articles that are relevant to the subject of the journal and have not previously been published in other publications are accepted for publication.

The editorial staff of the journal accepts research articles and analytical reviews ranging in volume from 16 thousand to 40 thousand characters with spaces (from 8 to 24 sheets of A4 format), including information about the authors, illustrations and references. In exceptional cases, the editorial board accepts for consideration a larger volume of work (up to 1.5–2 pp) if they contain significant and recognized by the scientific community results.

Since there are no restrictions on the amount of the author, then indicate the contribution of each author (CRediT author statement: taxonomy of the participant’s roles ( We offer our structure :. For each author, you can specify several roles in accordance with his contribution:

Authors ’Contribution:

A-Concept development or design methodology; creating models, studying the problem

B- Application of statistical, mathematical, computational or other studies

C- Research, in particular experimentation or data collection

D- Preparation, creation and design of the manuscript

Bibliographic list (at least 20 sources). APA style
Style: Manuscripts must follow the APA style ( American Psychological Association Publication Guide, 7th Edition, 2019).

Requirements for the designation of references to literature in the text
The author is obliged to indicate the sources of all citations, numbers and other information given in the article.
References to the literature in the text are given in parentheses indicating the year of publication and pages: (Smirnov, 2015), or (Smirnov, 2015: 218–219).
To cite a source in a foreign language, the original spelling of the surname is used (Arruda, 2015). If there are more than three authors - (Arruda et al., 2015), (Zdravomyslova et al., 2015) - if less, then so: (Abrams, Hogg, & Marques, 2005) or (Abrams, Hogg and Marques, 2005). If one author has several works, then the years are listed with a comma (Smirnov, 2004, 2014, 2014a). All authors mentioned in the text should be present in the list of references.
Direct quotes are placed in quotation marks, then a range of pages is indicated with the link (Arruda et al., 2015: 218–219).
It is permissible to format links in this way, "As McCreadie and Rice (1999b) noted." If the text is not quoted from the original source, then this is drawn up with the indication of the source: “(ECC Council Decision 89/457 OJ 1989L 224/10, Quoted from Hunt, 2005).” When referring to several sources, they are listed through a semicolon (Ivanov, 2015; Petrov, 2004; Sidorov, 2011).


Ezheleva, M.I., Lastkov, D.O. (2018). Analysis of the incidence and working conditions of surgical and therapeutic nurses. Bulletin of Hygiene and Epidemiology. T.22, No. 2: 8-13.
Ivanov, A.A. & Seregin N.N. (2012). Structural Conflicts. Sociology of Education, No. 85, 201-208. Available from: (Accessed on: 11.14.2019). (in Russia)
Jakubovskaya, I.A., Shibkova, D.Z., Makunina, O.A. (2017). Schoolchildren's anthropometric values ​​in ten years of study dynamics (longitudinal study). New research, No. 1 (50), 73-77. Available from: (Accessed on: 11.14.2019). (in Russia)

If the article has a DOI, then this should be reflected in the link.

The electronic link should open - you must definitely check !!!

When forming a bibliographic list, the author must adhere to the following rules:
• the author is responsible for the accuracy of the data given in the bibliographic list;
• links made in violation of the rules will be removed from the list of references.
• Page and endnotes are prohibited.
• - no more than 20% of references to the same author, self-citation.
• References to unpublished works are not allowed.
• If there is a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​for the cited source, it should be indicated at the end of the source after the dot in the following form DOI: prefix / suffix (for example: DOI: 10.14258 / izvasu (2014) 1.1-01).
• Electronic sources must open

Abbreviations and Symbols. Use only standard abbreviations. Avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract. The full term which an abbreviation stands for should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.

Design drawings, charts, graphs

  • - in the text of the article and send by e-mail. mail as separate jpg files
  • - drawings and photographs should have both numbering (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.) and thematic captions (name, where, when, author's photo or materials from the Internet, then a single resource index is given);
  • - all designations given in the figures (if they are not generally accepted) should be explained in the signatures to them or in the text;
  • - all lines and points in the figures should be clearly visible, and should not merge when reduced.


- All tables should have both numbering and thematic headings, through numbering;

- the tables are typed in Times New Roman font size 11;

- tables are placed within the working field;

- It is advisable not to break the tables into several pages.