Аwareness of the population about the links of prevention to prevent the risks of health disorders when using gas heating systems and equipment in everyday life
A number of regulatory documents defining a coherent system of installation, operation and supervision of gas heating equipment systems in order to prevent the influence of carbon monoxide in the household and the health of residents are analyzed.
The aim of the study was to assess the awareness of the population about the effects of carbon monoxide on the body and measures to prevent the risks of health disorders in everyday conditions.
The questionnaire method was used. 250 respondents aged 17-23 and older took part in the survey. The selection is random. 57.6% of the respondents have general secondary education, 38% have higher professional education, 4.4% have secondary and general special education. All respondents are residents of the Republic of Belarus. Among them: 61.2% - live in an apartment; 26% - in a house; 12.8% - in a hostel.
With a sufficiently high awareness of respondents about the reasons for the increase in the concentration of carbon monoxide in the room, gaps were revealed in their awareness of the specific technical characteristics of building materials and structures used in the construction of chimneys and their operation, places of carbon monoxide accumulation in enclosed spaces and concentrations dangerous to the health and life of residents.
The methodology of supervision and informing users of gas equipment and heating systems of residential premises requires improvement.
Only joint coordinated preventive activities of the architectural service, utilities, gas service, municipal hygiene department of Hygiene and Epidemiology Centers and health organizations will solve the important issue of prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning in everyday life.
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