Physical and sports activities and healthy lifestyle of students of the law institute of the ministry of internal affairs of the russia different years of stud

  • Vladimir Liguta Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Email:
  • Anna Liguta Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Email:
Keywords: students of the law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, questionnaire survey, physical culture and sports activities, healthy lifestyle, physical training, motives.


Currently, the results of a number of scientific studies indicate an insufficient level of physical fitness of graduates of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. This problem is primarily associated with their motor activity, motivation for physical culture and sports activities. The profession of a police officer involves the use of physical force and combat fighting techniques in solving operational and service tasks.Graduates of the law institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, who have mastered the training program, should have general cultural competencies associated with the ability to use the means and methods of physical culture to ensure a full social and professional activity, as well as to organize their lives in accordance with the ideas about a healthy lifestyle.A special role in the formation of these competences is assigned to the teaching staff of physical training departments, which throughout the entire period of training students should ensure that they develop the necessary professionally important physical qualities, acquire motor skills and combat fighting techniques, motivation for motor activity, awareness and behavior consistent with health requirements.To solve these problems in the context of improving training sessions, not only testing the level of development of physical qualities and motor skills must be organized, but also obtaining information about the attitude and motivation of cadets and trainees to the values of physical culture and activities aimed at health promotion.One of the methods of tracking the progress of the educational process is socio-pedagogical monitoring using sociological survey (questioning).The aim of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the attitude of the graduates of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of different years of study to physical culture, sports and healthy lifestyle in the aspect of improving the process of physical training.A sociological survey was attended by graduates of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2010 year (70 persons) and 2020 year (70 persons) who showed a steady positive understanding of the importance of physical education and sports for the professional activities of internal affairs officers. The number of persons engaged in physical and sports activities does not correspond to the planned indicators of the Russian Federation among student youth.The motive for developing special motor abilities and acquiring professional motor skills is not a priority in the rating system, which indicates an insufficient level of knowledge among students in the field of theory and methodology of physical training. Regardless of the year of study, approximately the same positive results of satisfaction of students with the process of physical training at the university are noted. A decrease in the number of respondents committed to bad habits was revealed. The respondents’ opinion on the quality of the physical training process and the factor was determined.


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How to Cite
Liguta V., Liguta A. Physical and sports activities and healthy lifestyle of students of the law institute of the ministry of internal affairs of the russia different years of stud // Health, physical culture and sports, 2022. Vol. 25, № 1. P. 45-53. URL:
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