The article presents the problem of studying personality properties, mechanisms of psycho-emotional tension of students during the period of adaptation and formation of psychophysical potential in the university. The adaptation of students is determined not only by external, but also by purely psychological features. Such features include the orientation of the person, as it sets the system of human relations to the world and activities, the system of values and the main lines of behavior, the specifics of interaction and communication with other people. Its structure includes needs, attitudes, motives, ideals, values, interests. It was assumed that students with different types of orientation may have certain differences in the overall structure of personality traits. The nature of the relationship of personality orientation with other personal formations such as success motivation, value orientations, achievement of goals, and others influence the socio-psychological adaptation of students. I conducted the study with the voluntary participation of 280 first-year students of the Siberian Federal University. A complex of research methods was used: theoretical analysis of the scientific literature; empirical methods: interviewing, personality orientation testing and methods of mathematical statistics. Conclusions. 1. An essential role in the structure of personal qualities influencing the adaptation to the new socio-cultural educational conditions is played by such personal formations as the direction of the personality, value orientations, motivation to success and avoidance of failure, the desire to achieve the goal, the desire to compete, the desire for social prestige and other features. 2. I have been identified certain differences were identified in the overall structure of personality traits of groups with different types of orientation. 3. The empirical data obtained have shown that the success of socio-psychological adaptation is influenced by the nature of the relationship of personality directivity as a leading property of personality, with other personal formations, such as success motivation, personal values, striving for a goal and other features. 4. I have been established the peculiarities of psycho-emotional tension of female and male students during the adaptation and formation of psychophysical potential in the university.
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