Purpose of the study. To evaluate the effectiveness of creating a developed and approved database “The results of the examination of children with impaired posture against the background of hereditary connective tissue dysplasia” based on practical examples. The problem of the state of connective tissue in childhood has been addressed for a long time. Currently, experts have increased their attention in terms of the pathology of bone tissue, connective tissue structures in children. The frequency of damage to bone segments increased, the course of inflammatory processes in the skeleton changed. Of great importance is the development of X-ray and morphological studies, the involvement of modern technology, electronics, and biochemistry for diagnostic purposes. The contingent of patients with diseases of the osteoarticular system has changed. Attention is paid to the study of dysplastic bone diseases. The main percentage of dysplastic processes are congenital malformations of the skeleton. There is a tendency to an increase in pathological conditions against the background of hereditary disorders in the development of connective tissue. In this regard, it turned out to be timely and significant to create algorithms for patients with hereditary disorders of connective tissue development, the formation and structuring of the database “The results of the examination of children with impaired posture against the background of hereditary connective tissue dysplasia” (certificate of state registration of the database No. 2022620209 dated January 24 2022). This work helps to predict possible complications in adolescence, to prevent pathological changes in a timely manner.
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