Summary: Cardiovascular diseases have a certain medico-social significance in our modern society, which necessitates conducting in-depth studies and research aimed at social factors and the possibilities for overcoming them. Factors that increase the risk or "risk factors" of cardiovascular disease can be effectively controlled or reversed. The data presented in the article are the result of an anonymous survey of patients with a diagnosis of arterial hypertension, in which an analysis of the socio-medical significance of the main risk factors in these patients was made. Based on the presented results, it can be stated that the patients admitted for hospital treatment with a diagnosis of arterial hypertension definitely do not lead a healthy lifestyle and a significant part of them have the main risk factors that have been established in cardiovascular diseases - gender, marital status, body weight, stressful situations, family burden, smoking, diabetes mellitus, experienced hypertensive crises. The simultaneous presence of more than one risk factor, as in the observed patients, increases the relative weight of the risk of arterial hypertension.
Key words: socio-medical, risk factors, arterial hypertension , lifestyle, patients
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