Annotation To increase the effectiveness of solving the problem of forming the physical culture of students' personality, a system of mirror individualization has been developed. This system assumes the rejection of direct consideration of the individual characteristics of the student and the construction of individualizing conditions that encourage the subject of training to act in accordance with individual potentials, to act in an individual way, to reveal individuality. This determines an individualized way to achieve a pedagogical result – which is the generalized essence of individualization.
As a methodological technique for solving the designated tasks, it is proposed to use the design of a system for students of their physical self-improvement. Such a design will require the student to show an active position, independence, creativity. The project of self-improvement in the field of physical culture includes the following components used as semantic supports: assessment of students' own physical conditions, level of health, amount of motor baggage; correlation of the level of the qualities assessed above with the necessary for the intended work activity and other important life circumstances; determination of the goals and objectives of physical improvement; search for means of physical self-improvement; determination of the criterion for achieving the goals.
The use of the presented methodology in physical education classes at Altai State University aroused the interest of students, affected the emotional mood, positively affected the attendance of classes and their quality.
Thus, we can talk about replenishing the arsenal of mirror individualization tools and the prospects for their further improvement. And also pay attention to the fact that there are real prerequisites for the implementation of deep individualization of the process of formation of physical culture of the individual, effective influence on the motivational sphere of the student. This can be considered as certain steps to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of fostering a productive attitude to physical culture in officially regulated classes at the university.
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