The purpose of the study. To show the importance of effective programs in the rehabilitation treatment of children with posture disorders against the background of hereditary disorders of connective tissue development in the conditions of the city children's polyclinic. 60 patients took part in the research work. All were diagnosed with hereditary disorders of connective tissue development. 30 patients were included in the main group and 30 in the comparison group.Under observation were 30 healthy children who made up the control group. According to gender and age, patients in groups were distributed equally. Patients were dynamically observed on the basis of the city children's polyclinic in the period from 2013 to the present. At the time of the beginning of dispensary observation, the average age of patients was 5.5±0.46 years. In dynamic observation in patients of the main group, laboratory parameters were positively stabilized. In the future, the number of complications decreased by the age of 14. These are scoliosis, kyphosis, other pathological deformities of the spinal column, osteochondropathy of the spine, the development of early osteochondrosis. This was not observed in patients of the comparison group (p = 0.024).
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