The article reveals the significance of socio-medical rehabilitation of children with disabilities, given data on the existing number of children with disabilities in Russia at the present stage. An analysis of the results of a questionnaire survey of parents of disabled children was performed, aimed at identifying the problems of ensuring successful social and medical rehabilitation of children with disabilities. Particular attention is paid to measures aimed at improving the social and medical rehabilitation of children with disabilities.
The purpose of the study was to develop proposals for ensuring the successful social and medical rehabilitation of children with disabilities and social support for families with disabilities.
Results and its discussion. In the process of analyzing the results of the questionnaire survey of parents of children with disabilities, the main problems of ensuring the successful social and medical rehabilitation of children with disabilities were identified, primarily with the available problems of their physical and mental health, which complicate the socialization and functioning of such children in A society, as well as the existing problem of the lack of specialists and the insufficient level of knowledge of parents of children with disabilities about the need to implement measures that contribute to improving the quality of life of a child, taking into account his psycho-emotional and physical characteristics.
Conclusions. Based on the identified problems and criteria, practical recommendations have been developed aimed at improving the social and medical rehabilitation of children with disabilities.
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