The relevance of studying a person's social health at the stage of adulthood is associated with the strengthening of his role in the process of socialization. However, empirical and theoretical studies that would solve the problem of disclosing the risks of the formation of social health of children and youth, its indicators and criteria have not been carried out enough. The importance of the topic is also confirmed by the unfavorable demographic situation in the country and the region. Having taken the first place in the world in terms of land area, Russia is rapidly losing its position in demo-graphic terms. In this regard, the problem of social health of young people is in the sphere of primary interests of the state. In order to build effective activities in this area, it is necessary to have objective information about the state of social health of young men and women, using official statistical sources and the results of scientific research. The paper uses the selective results of monitoring children's health "Study of conditions for the formation of a healthy generation" in the Vologda oblast. The sociological survey of boys and girls was conducted in the year when children born in 1995, 1998, 2001 and 2004 turned 18, respectively, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022. The sample size was 113 people, empirical data was collected by conducting an individual handout survey in the cities of Vologda, Cherepovets, and the territories of municipal districts. The purpose of the article: to identify individual risks of the formation of the social health of boys and girls of 18 years of age during the study period. The analysis of the responses in the framework of monitoring children's health revealed the risks of the formation of the social health of young people by the time of adulthood when entering adulthood.
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