There are a number of unresolved issues regarding the strength training of female athletes: individualization of female athletes’ preparation for competitions, regulation of physical condition. When monitoring specialized literature, no works were found related to the organization of a methodology for building an increase in strength indicators based on an individual approach. There are no works related to the description of the structure, content of this approach for strength training of female athletes, and there is also no data on the pedagogical conditions for its implementation. All this determines the relevance of the topic under consideration. The object of the study is the educational and training process of preparing girls 16-18 years old in powerlifting. The subject of the study is the strength training program for girls in powerlifting at the initial stage of training. 5 Purpose of the study: to increase the efficiency of the training process of girls in powerlifting at the initial training stage through the use of the developed training program. The research hypothesis assumed that the use of a program that included a focus on the development of technical actions associated with the body’s adaptation to maximum power loads would make it possible to improve the general and special physical preparedness of female athletes involved in the powerlifting section. The data obtained as a result of the study can be used by coaches for implementation in the educational and training process in powerlifting. In addition, the proposed methodology, developed for a sport such as powerlifting, can be adapted to other strength sports.
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