• Daria Volzhenina Altai State University Email:
  • Ekaterina Chizhova Altai State University Email:
Keywords: professional burnout, achievements, motivation, sport


Professional sports are characterized by the following psychological features: orientation to a high level of achievement, high emotional and physical stress, the severity of rivalry, publicity of performances in competitions. These features are associated with the attention of researchers to the influence of psychological factors on the achievements of athletes. According to the study, J. Raglin and V. Morgan, 47% of athletes experienced burnout, and 81% of them admitted that this condition was the worst reaction to stress during training and competitions. Professional burnout of athletes is the basis for a decrease in the effectiveness of the training and competitive process, injuries, premature retirement of an athlete from sports

The purpose of this study was to identify the motivational and semantic prerequisites for professional burnout among athletes.

The following questionnaires were used as research methods: "The burnout scale of an athlete" by E.I. Berilova, "Motives for sports" by A.V. Shaboltas, the Test of life orientations by A.D. Leontiev, the Questionnaire of professional motivation in adaptation by E.N. Osin.

The T-criterion and the SPSS statistical data processing software package were used for data processing. As a result of the conducted research, it was concluded that depending on the motives of sports, life orientations, athletes may be subject to professional burnout to varying degrees


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How to Cite
Volzhenina D., Chizhova E. MOTIVATIONAL AND SEMANTIC PREREQUISITES FOR PROFESSIONAL BURNOUT IN ATHLETES // Health, physical culture and sports, 2024. Vol. 35, № 3. URL:
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