• Diana Mikharevich Email:
Keywords: flexibility, acrobatic rock and roll, flexibility training, hip joints


Acrobatic rock and roll is a complex coordination sport that requires high flexibility and a wide range of motion, especially in the hip joint area.

The study aimed to assess the impact of techniques developing flexibility in acrobatic rock and roll athletes with a focus on increased hip joint mobility in teenagers aged 12-14 years.

The study's goals were to evaluate the overall current state of flexibility in athletes involved in acrobatic rock and roll; develop and apply a flexibility development methodology focusing on a range of exercises for hip joints; assess changes in the range of motion, and analyze feedback from participants during training.

Four 12- to 14-year-old acrobatic rock and roll athletes participated in the study (2 girls and 2 boys). The experimental program included one-hour training sessions per week for one month. With a focus on relaxation and breathing control, the sessions featured both general and targeted warm-ups, static and dynamic stretching, and a variety of leg muscle and hip joint exercises. Regular flexibility tests and participant feedback analysis were used to track progress. The data obtained were processed using statistical methods.

All participants demonstrated improved flexibility and increased range of motion. A substantial improvement in joint mobility was reported by 75% of athletes, which enhanced their performance of dance elements. Girls showed a better capacity for increased flexibility than boys. Participants noted that the gradual increase in load, multiple approaches (each exercise lasted 7-8 minutes), breathing control, and emphasis on relaxation contributed to a comfortable feeling of tension during training, especially in hip joint exercises.

The methods used in the study have demonstrated their effectiveness, and regular exercises helped the athletes to improve the range of motion, which positively affected the technique of performing elements in acrobatic rock and roll.


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Author Biography

Diana Mikharevich

Specialist degree, stretching coach, and sports blogger StretchingDoma


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How to Cite
Mikharevich D. METHODS TO INCREASE FLEXIBILITY IN ACROBATIC ROCK AND ROLL ATHLETES AGED 12-14 YEARS // Health, physical culture and sports, 2024. Vol. 36, № 4. URL:
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