The article summarizes the theoretical material on the conceptualization of the concepts "Lifestyle" and "Healthy way of life". To date, the issue of maintaining health among young people is very acute, because the health of each person is not only an individual value, it is a social, social value. Many modern young people studying in higher educational institutions are adherents of a certain passive lifestyle, where one of the main elements of social networks and the Internet.
The article analyzes the impact of day-time factors on students. The study was conducted on the basis of the Ural State University of Physical Culture, (Chelyabinsk) at the departments of the natural science cycle (Department of Anatomy, Department of Physiology). In the questioning took part second-year students of the Faculty of Winter Sports and Martial Arts, in qualifications a candidate for master of sports and a master of sports, dischargers.
We found out that the majority of students engaged in sports do not have enough time for leisure, which is associated with a tight busy schedule of study and training, and that many students do not know how to plan the day's schedule correctly - an important condition for high performance, which in turn is one of the basic parameters of health. It was also found that most students practice late sleep and early morning ascent.
In consequence of the tension of the functional reserves and not their full recovery, persistent apathy motives are formed, the unwillingness to attend training sessions and the training process. Distinctions of the regime moments of the student professionally engaged in sports from the regime of the day of the ordinary student are revealed. In the first case, the principles of alternating load and rest are taken into account, in order to avoid overtraining. It is determined that rest at the majority of students is limited to social networks and the Internet.
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