Student youth and its relation to physical culture and healthy lifestyle
The article deals with the role of physical culture and exercise for the health of the younger generation. Currently, today's young people are not very willing to engage in physical culture and sports. If we compare the 70-ies, the beginning of pedagogical activity, when the student games were held, then there was nowhere to fall in the gyms.
Now we should make the students and not the fact that they come to cheer for their faculty. In our work we have developed a questionnaire and tried to find out the attitude of students to physical education. The questionnaire survey of students and their attitude to physical culture is given. The results of the questionnaire and the corresponding conclusions are given.
On the question "your attitude to the subject of "physical education" in the first year positively answered 70.5% , II – 95, 0% and III – 97, 5 %. Although there were answers of indifferent attitude to FC, their % was about 20. And about 15 % of students of the 1st year, 10 % - the second and 2% are negative about physical culture. The growth of interest from the course to the course to the subject due to the increasing intellectual level of students, understanding the need, the importance of their own health. Acquisition of skills and knowledge of modern health technologies and modern traditional and non-traditional methods of recovery.
It is not easy for a student to find the right ways to achieve his goal and be healthy. Here we need a differentiated approach with individual recommendations in the first place, teachers. The result is an increase in positive responses and a better attitude of students to physical culture. Physical education in the process of training future specialists are an integral part of achieving the goals and objectives of the educational process in the educational institution.
The most objective need for mandatory physical education classes expressed students – 1 and II courses respectively 87.5% and 95.0%. The third-year students-this figure is lower, but still – enough, high 69.5%, because by the third year enriched with modern techniques, they try to work independently to improve physical development, physical fitness and health.
The constant mental strain of modern student youth during the sessions, chronic mental fatigue without physical activity causes serious functional disorders in the body, reduce performance and occurs premature aging. On the contrary, the physical activity of a person is characterized by an increase in various motor acts: the contraction of the heart muscle, the movement of the body in space, improving lung function, as well as improving the motor component of speech, facial expressions, in this regard, improves physical fitness and physical qualities.
Limited motor activity affects all of the above parameters. A hundred years ago, 96% of labor operations were performed through muscle effort. Currently 99% through a variety of mechanisms.
In conclusion, it can be noted that the conducted sociological survey indicates that students have a positive attitude to physical education classes. There is a growing desire for sports and exercise from year to year. More than 80% of students answered about the need for compulsory physical education. But the bad thing is that too few students are engaged in physical exercise and sports on their own
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