• Сергей Владимирович Гурьев Российский государственный профессионально-педагогический университет Email: sergeyguriev@mail.ru
Keywords: students, mode, work, rest, organization, education, quality of life.


The article deals with the problem of social methods of influencing the organization of a rational mode of work and rest of students. Presents the results of a sociological study of attitudes towards health and the use of the main factors of a healthy lifestyle of students. The organization of a reasonable rhythm of work and rest is of paramount importance for students, especially in the last decade, due to the great changes taking place in the educational space, and above all, such as a radical restructuring of learning technologies, introduction of innovations, and significant intensification of the educational process. With the adoption of the Bologna education system, in the conditions of a score-rating system for assessing knowledge, the proportion of students' independent activities increases, their constant activity is stimulated, an element of competition is introduced, which keeps students in constant stress and, if they do not organize educational work, can contribute to forces, but also neuropsychic exhaustion. The objectives of the study were as follows: to study the current state of the work regime and the rest of university students, to determine the factors that contribute to and prevent the organization of a rational mode of student life, indicate possible ways to solve the problem. Since the intellectual activity of students is characterized by a high level of neuropsychic tension and, at the same time, low motor activity or the lack of it at all, the recovery of students is impossible without physical exertion, without alternating mental and physical labor, without changing one type of activity with another.        Compliance with the correct mode of work and rest helps to solve many important tasks: to increase the quantity and quality of work performed per unit of time, maintain the ability to work intensively and efficiently throughout the whole labor process, prevent emotional, mental and physical overloads, less fatigue, avoid overwork that is, ultimately, the optimal mode of vital activity helps a person not only to preserve, but also strengthen his health, both physical and mental.


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Author Biography

Сергей Владимирович Гурьев, Российский государственный профессионально-педагогический университет

Guriev Sergey Vladimirovich,

Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg,  Russia



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Health, Physical Culture and Sports, 2019, 1(12)
How to Cite
Гурьев С. В. VPROBLEM OF SOCIAL METHODS OF EXPOSURE ON THE ORGANIZATION OF THE RATIONAL LABOR AND REST OF STUDENTS // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 1(12). P. 69-82. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/5227.
Pedagogical, social , and philosophical issues of intellectual and physical culture
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