Methods of training in Nordic walking with the students of the preparatory and special medical groups in Saint Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Екатерина Владимировна Чистякова Санкт-Петербургский гуманитарный университет профсоюзов Email:
  • Инна Викторовна Соколова Санкт-Петербургский гуманитарный университет профсоюзов Email:
Keywords: physical education, Nordic walking, preparatory and special medical groups, stu-dents, evaluation of the recovery time of heart rate (heart rate)


Currently, half of the students entering Universities, according to medical indicators belong to the preparatory and special medical groups. These students are recommended physical education classes with limited loads, and what could be better than Nordic walking. In this article the technique of physical training using Nordic walking, developed by teachers of the department of physical education of the St. Petersburg humanitarian University of trade unions, for students of preparatory and special medical groups. The aim of the study was to improve the functional state of the cardiovascular system of students with poor health through Nordic walking. To achieve this goal, the tasks were formulated, which consisted in testing the methods of physical training using Nordic walking for students, according to the results of a medical examination referred to the preparatory and special medical groups and evaluation of the recovery time of heart rate in these students. The study was conducted in training sessions on physical culture 2 times a week for 7 months (from September to May). The study involved 200 students from 1st to 3rd year of St. Petersburg humanitarian University of trade unions. To identify the optimal level of physical activity, providing a health-improving training effect, use a simple method for determining the so-called "target training zone" according to the formula that takes into account age. The level of intensity of the load during Nordic walking corresponded to the health level. As a result of the use of the developed method of Nordic walking lessons, the condition of the cardiovascular system has improved among the students taking part in this study. Thus, physical training using Nordic walking had a positive effect on students involved.


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Author Biographies

Екатерина Владимировна Чистякова, Санкт-Петербургский гуманитарный университет профсоюзов

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of Physical Education. Saint Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russian

Инна Викторовна Соколова, Санкт-Петербургский гуманитарный университет профсоюзов

Sokolova Inna Viktorovna

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head. department of Physical Education. Saint Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences,  Saint Petersburg, Russian. 


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Health, Physical Culture and Sports, 2019, 1(12)
How to Cite
Чистякова Е. В., Соколова И. В. Methods of training in Nordic walking with the students of the preparatory and special medical groups in Saint Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 1(12). P. 83-97. URL:
Pedagogical, social , and philosophical issues of intellectual and physical culture
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