Еfficiency of practical studys of physical culture with students with restricted health in the in the framework of the discipline "elective discipline by physical culture and sports"
Difficulties are revealed and the features that the teacher encounters in organizing practical classes in the discipline "Elective discipline in physical culture and sport" with students with disabilities and. The feasibility of opening an adaptive department in educational institutions, along with the main and special, for organizing physical education and sports classes with students with disabilities, which, as a result of a medical examination of first-year students, were identified in a special group "B" that is exempt from practical exercises.
At present, the state is creating various programs for the development and accessibility of inclusive education in general, and the availability of physical education classes in particular, which can help students with disabilities to realize their not only desires, but their rights - to improve psychological, social and physical needs, opportunities for adaptation in society, be competitive in the labor market. Occupations by an adaptive physical culture at a higher educational institution are not only enhancing the skills of physical fitness, correcting secondary diseases, but also socializing a student, improving the level and quality of life of a person, filling with new emotions, dating, socializing.
The article lists sports and other physical exercises included in the work program for the discipline "Physical culture and sport (elective)", which has been tested in the Altai State University from the 2016-2017 academic year to the present. The paper presents the results of a survey conducted at the Altai State University in September and May of the 2017-2018 school year with students with disabilities, in order to identify their attitude to practical exercises in physical culture and sport as part of the development of the discipline "Elective discipline in physical culture and sports". Based on the results, conclusions are made
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