The dependence of the body mass of students of a special department of the Altai State University on the nature of nutrition and the optimal level of motor activity

  • Галина Сергеевна Денисова Алтайский государственный университет Email:
Keywords: health, overweight, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, balanced diet, physical activity, energy costs, body weight


The article presents the results of a study assessing the nutritional status of students of a special medical department of the Altai State University, reviewed the basic principles of proper nutrition, made recommendations for weight loss, recommended motor actions that contribute to weight loss.

The problem of obesity and overweight applies to all segments of the population, regardless of social and professional affiliation, age, place of residence and gender. Obesity and related diseases are becoming a heavy economic burden for society. A fat man is a victim of his insatiable appetite and sedentary lifestyle.

The study was conducted on the basis of the sports and fitness complex of the Altai State University, it was attended by students of 1-3 courses of the special department.

The study made it possible to make an analysis of the nature of nutrition of students and conclusions on diet, to conduct an analysis of body mass index, allowing to identify the degree of deviation of students' body weight from the norm, to determine the nature of the physical activity of students of the special medical department of the Altai State University.

Nutrition is the most important physiological need of the body. The problem of healthy eating is one of the most pressing today.

The results of the study of nutritional disorders among students of the special department showed that only a small number of students do not have nutritional disorders, and moderate, separate and pronounced nutritional disorders, requiring the consultation of a dietitian and, in some cases, treatment. At all times, students are trend to a low food culture. This is manifested in the neglect of the diet, overeating, in excess consumption of treats and drinks containing sugar and having narcotic properties (coffee, alcohol). The article found that far from all students adhere to proper dietary habits, and the number of nutritional disorders among students includes the abuse of easily digestible carbohydrates, increased consumption of salt, mayonnaise, and carbonated drinks.

The study and analysis of body mass (BMI) showed that among the students of the special department there is not only the problem of underweight, but also the problem of overweight, the problem of obesity, which are most characteristic of young men. Accordingly, the article states that weight loss can be achieved in two ways: by reducing the number of calories consumed and by increasing the body's energy expenditure. Physical activity, selected in accordance with age, sex, state of health and level of physical fitness, not only improves the emotional state of a person, but also has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. The types of physical activity required for weight loss are proposed


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Author Biography

Галина Сергеевна Денисова, Алтайский государственный университет

Denisova Galina Sergeevna

Senior teacher of academic chair of physical education. Altai State University, 61 Lenin Ave., Barnaul, 656049, Russia


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Health, Physical Culture and Sports, 2019, 1(12)
How to Cite
Денисова Г. С. The dependence of the body mass of students of a special department of the Altai State University on the nature of nutrition and the optimal level of motor activity // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 1(12). P. 127-152. URL:
Medical and biological issues of human health
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