• Геннадий Дмитриевич Бабушкин Сибирский государственный университет физической культуры и спорта Email:
  • Евгений Геннадьевич Бабушкин Омский государственный технический университет Email:
Keywords: diagnostics, correction, psychological preparedness, young athletes, pre-competition stage


The analysis of special scientific evidence of the insufficient elaboration of the problem of pre-competitive psychological preparation of young athletes. In preparing young athletes for psychological preparation competitions, not enough attention is paid, both from the side of researchers in the field of sports psychology, and from the side of methodologists developing curricula for sports schools and coaches. The result of insufficient psychological training of young athletes may be the manifestation of unfavorable pre-start conditions at a young age, which can lead to the formation of stereotypes of inadequate behavior of athletes at competitions and the consolidation of unfavorable prestart conditions.

As a result of our research, it was revealed that unfavorable prelaunch (fever, apathy) manifest themselves in most cases at all competitions and in fact do not change from one competition to another. The athlete’s organism’s response to the upcoming competition is consolidated and stabilized. This situation prompted us to conduct further research aimed at correcting the condition of athletes.

 The purpose of the study is to substantiate the content of psychological and pedagogical influences on an athlete in order to create psychological readiness among young athletes by the beginning of the competition. Psychological preparedness includes four components: motivational need, emotional, reflexive, sensorimotor. To diagnose the formation of each component, we have proposed a set of techniques. Identification of the psychological preparedness of athletes is carried out during the entire period of pre-competition training. Based on the results obtained, individual psychological impact programs are developed for each component in order to create the psychological preparedness of each athlete for the competition.

The introduction of the developed method into the training process at the pre-competitive stage, built on the basis of diagnostics of psychological readiness of each athlete in each micro cycle, allowed to achieve positive results in optimizing the pre-start condition. This contributed to the manifestation of the optimal pre-start condition of the athletes and more successful performance at the judo competition of the experimental group. Before the pedagogical experiment, the performance coefficients of the competitive activities of the nudists of the control and experimental groups did not actually differ and were, respectively, 0.24 and 0.26. At the end of the pedagogical experiment the coefficient of performance of the competition

The purpose   study is to substantiate the content of psychological and pedagogical effects on the athlete to create psychological readiness for the beginning  the competition in young athletes. Psychological preparedness has four components: the motivational-potrebnostey, emotional, reflective, sensorimotor. Methods are proposed to diagnose the formation of each component. On the basis of the obtained results, individual programs of psychological impact for each component are developed in order to create psychological readiness of each athlete for the competition. Conducting  pedagogical experiment conducted during the preparation  judoists  three competitions showed the effectiveness the developed by the authors  the methodology, expressed in the manifestation  optimal prelaunch status and progress of competitive activity


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Author Biographies

Геннадий Дмитриевич Бабушкин, Сибирский государственный университет физической культуры и спорта

Babushkin Gennady Dmitrievich

doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of theory and methodology of physical culture and sports of the Siberian state University of physical culture and sports, Omsk, Russia

Евгений Геннадьевич Бабушкин, Омский государственный технический университет

Babushkin Evgeny Gennadevich

candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of physical education and sports Department of Omsk state technical University, Omsk, Russia


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Health, Physical Culture and Sports, 2019, 1(12)
How to Cite
Бабушкин Г. Д., Бабушкин Е. Г. CORRECTION PRECOMPETITIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING OF YOUNG ATHLETES // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 1(12). P. 153-169. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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