Pedagogical aspects of formation of improving physical culture in the university
Article Guryev S.V. "Pedagogical aspects of the formation of recreational physical culture in the university" contains theoretical and methodological and experimental material on the problem of determining pedagogical aspects as a factor in the development of physical culture of health-improving orientation with university students of 1-2 courses engaged in study time, according to the program of discipline in specially medical groups. This material examines the issues of motivation, interests and features of the organization of classes of recreational physical culture.
In strengthening the health and harmonious development of the personality, the importance of physical culture and sports increases every year, introducing them into everyday life. The achievements of science, which ensure its well-being and well-being, are undoubtedly placed at the service of man in our society. However, developing science, cognizing the laws of nature and using them to their advantage, man did not become a master of himself. The development, growth and changes of modern society, as well as the transition of higher education to student-centered pedagogy, every year make it necessary to shift the emphasis in the research activities of physical culture and sports. The level of health of modern students requires a serious approach to solving the problem of the formation of recreational physical culture in a university
Under the influence of physical exercises, an adaptation of the organism of any person to the manifestations of environmental factors occurs. The experimental data obtained will help to exert a stimulating effect of the organized physical activity of students of a special medical group on the level of physical fitness. It can be concluded that the motor function of the human body is essential for improving performance in any kind of activity, including mental activity, and it must be constantly improved.
The results of the experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the recommendations made by the author for physical culture classes in special medical groups and allow expanding the possibilities of the educational process for developing students' skills of a healthy lifestyle
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