Results of peripheral blood leukocyte phenotyping in blood donors in relation with concepts of mongolian traditional medicine on human constitution
Concept of human body constitution is crucial philosophy of traditional Mongolian medicine. In accordance with this concept personal properties, or vital properties, or constitution of each human individual determined by presence of three abstraction substances, or humors so called Khii, Shar and Badgan. Association of these humors in certain person may be expressed as one of 3 single, 3 combined and 1 collected type. The study was aimed to establish relationship between types of human constitution used in Traditional Mongolian Medicine and immune phenotype pattern of peripheral blood white cells in relatively healthy subjects of Mongol nationality. Total 287 blood donors were investigated for testing of human constitution and count of peripheral blood white cells (MACSQuant Analyzer 10) such as total leukocytes (CD45+), granulocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes, Т (CD3+) and В (CD19+) lymphocytes, NK cells (CD3-CD56+), NKT cells (CD3+, TCRVa24-Ja18), CD3+CD56+ cells, CD4+ and CD8+ Т lymphocytes.
Results. Were found following combined types of human constitution: Khii-Shar in 66 (23%), Shar-Khii in 83(28.9%), Badgan Khii in 16 (5.6%), Khii-Badgan in 12(4.2%), Shar-Badgan in 57(19.9%) and Badgan-Shar in 53(18.5%) of donors. Mean value of CD8+ cells was significantly elevated in subjects with Khii-Badgan type and Mean value of CD4/CD8 ratio was significantly higher in Badgan dominant type subjects comparing with Khii dominant subjects. Count of CD4+ Т lymphocytes and CD4/CD8 ratio have a direct correlation with expression of Shar type. Expression of Khii type may have direct correlation with count of NKT cells.
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- статья : Цэндсурэн Сампил ,Хонгорзул Тогоо, Гансух Чойжилсурэн, Эрдэнэбаяр Намжил, Цэнд-Аюуш Дамба, Батбаатар Гунчин, Нямбаяр Дашцоодол (Монгольского национального университета медицинских наук) (Русский)
- статья : Цэндсурэн Сампил ,Хонгорзул Тогоо, Гансух Чойжилсурэн, Эрдэнэбаяр Намжил, Цэнд-Аюуш Дамба, Батбаатар Гунчин, Нямбаяр Дашцоодол (Монгольского национального университета медицинских наук) (Русский)
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