The purpose of the research: analysis of modern disinfectants used in treatment-and-prophylactic organizations of the city of Grodno and the identification of production-related impairment of health conditions of medical workers. The object of the research is the health care facilities of the city of Grodno: UZ "City Clinical Hospital No. 4", GUZ "Grodno Regional Clinical Hospital of Medical Rehabilitation".
Materials and methods. Applied the questionnaire survey method of junior and nursing staff, which was attended by 132 medical workers. The analytical method of sanitary description is used. Analyzed quarterly plans for disinfection of facilities of emergency departments, treatment rooms, dressing rooms. Logs of prepared disinfectant solutions were used. Statistical processing performed using the software package "Statistics-10.0".
Results and conclusions. Combined disinfectants are used in hospitals to improve the properties of disinfectants through their combined use. They have a wide range of antimicrobial action, low toxicity, stability, compatibility with other substances. Prevention of the formation of resistant strains of microorganisms is carried out by regularly carried out (1 time per quarter) timely replacement of disinfectants in the medical and prophylactic institutions under examination, thus avoiding the addiction of pathogenic microflora to chemicals.
According to the results of the survey of junior and nursing staff conducted in the examined health care facilities, more than 65% of medical workers noted a sign of allergic reactions to disinfectants. Protective equipment, which is currently a good measure to limit the contact of health care workers with allergens, can also cause an individual allergic reaction. According to the survey results, it was revealed that 3% of medical workers have this manifestation
ое проявление
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