Scientific and methodological aspects of the formation of motor activity among schoolchildren and students in the process of physical education and sports activities
The article discusses the aspects of the irrational and rational in terms of the perception of the future in adolescence in the process of physical education and sports activities.
The process of formation of the motor activity of schoolchildren and students in the modern system of physical education depends on the level of the formed socio-cultural values that influence the pedagogical process of education of the physical culture of the individual.
The authors of the article propose innovative health-saving and body-forming pedagogical technologies of physical culture and sports activities, which will allow to form new ideas about the “body” and “physicality” of a person. Despite the large number of scientific publications, the socio-philosophical issues of educating a person under the influence of the external environment, which places high demands on the functioning of social institutions and the person, are not fully covered. A healthy lifestyle to this day remains to a greater extent a declarative slogan, and theoretical knowledge does not become the “locomotive” that allows for the “cultivation” of the body.
In this article, the authors attempted to systematize the common features of the pedagogical process, which, in the context of integration mechanisms in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, should find a worthy embodiment in the physical education and sports activities of schoolchildren and students. The weakest direction is the implementation of the recreational and sports services of various groups of the population, where the activities of sports facilities of educational institutions remain ineffective due to different departmental affiliations, which adversely affects the formation of physical activity among schoolchildren and students.
The authors of the article emphasize the conditions for the effective functioning of sports complexes in the context of related types of services and facilities of educational institutions. “Cultivating” the body is not built into the sociocultural range of “special” relationships dictated by the conditions for establishing a new societal order in Europe, where the level of development of physical qualities, mainly endurance, speed-power abilities, determines the success of an individual as such in society, and the status of a country in the international arena (according to the results of international competitions of high rank). The solution to the problem of ensuring the availability of services for the education of physical qualities among students, should focus on the level at which an individual is adapted to stressful situations and is “embedded” in society as “a perfect model of the functioning of living systems. To solve the above problems in society, it is necessary in the education system to change the conceptual approaches to the process of the formation of value orientations of schoolchildren and students in the context of the problem of human “physicality” (the unity of nature and man)
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