Correlation of power and hemoglobin level for the formation of a sports result
In this article, was investigated the relationship between the hemoglobin level in athlete’s blood as the main factor influencing the aerobic performance of the body and the achievement of a potentially high sports result. The general role of hemoglobin described by chemical and biological points of view. The solution of the problem of delivering oxygen to working muscles is relevant throughout the development of sports activities and reaches a peak with a high level of fitness of an athlete when performing work of maximum and submaximal power.
The most demanded oxygen supply in sports place highest demands on the delivery of oxygen to the body and the removal of carbon dioxide from it. Such sports activities can be, for example, cross-country skiing or athletics specialized in running for long and extra long distances. When a trained body has learned to supply the required amount of oxygen to working muscles, the problem arises of finding new ways to improve athlete's fitness. The authors of this publication expressed the opinion that the dosed repeated physical load on short lengths can change the composition of the blood in such a way that it is possible to find the optimal ratio between such workouts and sports results. An important factor for the ability of blood to carry oxygen is hematocrit (the volume of red blood cells). Hematocrit can change rapidly, it all depends on the intensity of training. It is able to increase due to a decrease in plasma volume, especially with insufficient fluid replenishment, which, in turn, is associated with thickening of the blood and, consequently, deterioration of oxygen transport. However, athletes are characterized by reduced hematocrit after exercise, despite the fact that during training the blood viscosity increases. By analyzing the data of scientific articles of the proposed topic, an assumption is made about the variability of the hemoglobin level in the athlete’s blood when performing sports work of a certain power, which makes it possible to selectively choose the training load
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