SPA and Wellness: improving efficiency of technical types of water recreation

  • Konstantin Georgievich Tomilin Sochi State University Email:
Keywords: SPA resort, technical types of water recreation, biologically active points, healing effect, oreign experience in training specialists


The results of the study of technical types of aquatic recreation, contributing to human health. A total of 264 guests were surveyed at the «Dagomys» health resort, the «Stavropolie» sanatorium, the «Green Grove» pension in Sochi (for each type of recreation, 12 subjects of 20–30 years old who do not have physical deviations from the norm) using an express analysis method health conditions, by recording the conductivity of biologically active points (according to Nakatani).

The measurements were carried out while walking on a sailing dinghy and sailing board, water skiing, sledding, an inflatable banana, jet ski, cruising yacht and speedboat diving, scuba diving and parachute towing after the boat.

Studies have shown that in spa resorts it is advisable to have a large selection of water types of recreation. Each of them has a different effect on the biologically active points (BAT) of the guests, and, consequently, on the systems and organs of the human body. That allows you to design an effective system of health effects in the spa and wellness, taking into account individual preferences and human diseases.

The strongest changes in the restructuring of the BAT conductivity along the meridians occurred after parasailing after the boat. Under stress, during flights, against the background of «closing» of the BAT along most of the meridians, a reverse process was also observed – a sharp increase in conductivity in the meridians of the small intestine, spleen, kidneys, and bladder. That confirms the well-known fact that when there is a big fright in children, urination is intensely going on (up to involuntary urination).

The greatest health-improving efficiency was shown by the walkers walking the sailing diving board and sailing board. Sailing turned out to be the most effective when training instructors in aquatic types of recreation, working at spa resorts.

A review of foreign experience in training highly skilled sailing specialists, who can easily find employment in summer resorts in water resorts, has been carried out. The experience of Croatia seeking to develop inbound tourism and introducing early vocational training for young people through four sports will be interesting for our country; France, Spain, Israel and other countries that use sailing for physical education classes in secondary schools in coastal cities. As well as Poland, which attracts commercial firms to introduce large masses of children to sailing (at the very cheapest training «Optimists»).


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Author Biography

Konstantin Georgievich Tomilin , Sochi State University


 Associate Professor of Physical Education Department and Sport of the Socio-Pedagogical Faculty of the Sochi State University. Sochi, Russia


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How to Cite
Tomilin K. G. SPA and Wellness: improving efficiency of technical types of water recreation // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 2(13). P. 144-154. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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