Students-sportsmen's daily routine peculiarities
The mode of the day of students is an important factor of successful adaptation to the combined effects of mental and physical activity. Students – sportsmen's, studying at Ural State University of Physical Culture, daily routine peculiarities are studied in our research. The study involved 314 students of Uralgufk. For the survey questionnaires were developed, which are decorated in Google Forms. This form allowed to collect information about the organization of the day of students in terms of mental and physical activity as quickly as possible. The research results showed an increase in the students' interest to observe the correct daily routine and healthy lifestyle formation. Daily routine components, which can be viewed as additional stress factors for the students' organism, while mental and physical loadings are performed are defined in the article. It was found that 8.3% of the students suffer sleep shortage, 17% of the students choose negative forms of conducting cultural and leisure activities (a nightclub) and 15.3% of the students irrationally plan their individual learning activities. The cumulative effect of fatigue, acquired as a result of irrationally composed mode of the day, will reduce the efficiency and competitiveness of bachelors. The alternation of mental and physical activity should take into account the individual psychophysiological state of students and contribute to the full recovery of body resources. However, it becomes a difficult task to rationally distribute the load during the day, week in conditions of intensive employment of students with a variety of activities: gymnastic, sports, volunteer, educational, competitive, professional and other. Our research results are of practical importance in the development of recommendations for correcting students' lifestyle within combined mental and physical activities conditions. When studying the disciplines of medical and biological orientation, students analyze the mode of the day, determine the shortcomings and master the skill of drawing up a healthy mode of the day for the day, week. This study will be continued and aimed at assessing the functional state of life support systems of students under intense mental and physical stress in the dynamics of training at the University
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