• Natalia Viktorovna Pats Grodno State Medical University Email:
  • Anna Nikolaevna Kapustina Grodno State Medical University Email:
  • Dmitry Yuryevich Yakovchik Grodno State Medical University Email:
Keywords: latent deficit, iron, syderopenic syndrome


The Latent deficit of iron is always preceded to iron-deficient anaemia.

A research aim was to study frequency of met of clinical signs of latent deficit of iron for young people. 280 persons are inspected age 21 from 17 to.

A questionnaire method with a series of questions was used to identify signs of sideropenic and anaemic syndromes, as well as questions to identify the causes of iron deficiency. Statistical processing was carried out using the application program Microsoft office Excel 2013.

Among the clinical signs of syderopenic syndrome for students young people predominance of perversion of taste (16,79%), perversion of sense (33,21%) of smell, muscular weakness, pain, is marked in sural muscles (29,64%), change from the side of horny educations (46,79%), thus predominance of complex of these symptoms was marked at the persons of sex of women. At 33,75% inspected there was polymenoree, thus them 37,2% made persons with a syderopenic syndrome. At persons, with the amount of complaints from the side of gastrointestinal tract (two and more than), there is a sharp increase of frequency of display of syderopenic syndrome (on 26,8%) as compared to respondents at that complaints are absent


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Author Biographies

Natalia Viktorovna Pats , Grodno State Medical University

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the General Hygiene and Ecology

Anna Nikolaevna Kapustina, Grodno State Medical University


Student medical faculty. 

Dmitry Yuryevich Yakovchik , Grodno State Medical University


Student medical faculty. 



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How to Cite
Pats N. V., Kapustina A. N., Yakovchik D. Y. CLINICAL SIGNS OF THE SIDEROPENIC SYNDROME AT STUDENT’S YOUTH // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019. Vol. 14, № 3. P. 48-60. URL:
Medical and biological issues of human health
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