• Sergei Artemovych Poluboyartsev Vyatka state University Email:


The article popularizes a healthy lifestyle: active family vacation during a multi-day trip on kayaks. The change of the usual situation, the influence of natural and environmental factors on the human body, increased motor activity, the development of adaptation in difficult conditions of climate change, the use of active modes of movement, a wide variety of motor actions, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene in conditions of self-control contribute to strengthening the health of the child, improving the functionality of his body. Since the student is not yet out of parental care, the opinion of his parents and immediate family regarding his possible travel becomes decisive. This means that the organizers of the trips should study these interests, which, together with children, should give an idea about the optimal organization of tourism for schoolchildren. emotional intensity of a romance. On the tourist route, all the main groups of muscles of the limbs and trunk are involved in the work. Tourism has an extremely beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems of schoolchildren. Long stay in the conditions of a hike promotes hardening of an organism, increases its resistance to external influences, various diseases.

A survey of students, which showed that 92% of them are involved in sports, but 54% of respondents have never been on a hike.

Measurements of anthropometric data, pulse and pressure of participants of a hike within 5 days are made.

The values of the vegetative Kerdo index (VI) and the adaptive potential index of the cardiovascular system (AP) were calculated. According to the results of calculations, it is concluded that the predominance of sympathetic and parasympathetic effects of the autonomic nervous system depends on the pulse rate and blood pressure and can vary on different days in different people (normally from -10% to +10%). The adaptation of all participants of the campaign was successful. I recommend everyone an active family vacation in nature without gadgets to observe wildlife, enjoy the sunrises and sunsets, the sky and the stars, to learn how beautiful our native land


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Author Biography

Sergei Artemovych Poluboyartsev , Vyatka state University


senior teacher of chair of physical training of Vyatka state University


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How to Cite
Poluboyartsev S. A. STUDY OF ADAPTATION IN A MULTI-DAY KAYAKING ON THE RIVER VYATKA // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019. Vol. 14, № 3. P. 93-100. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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