The author makes an attempt to address the topic of health through the prism of habit,because he proceeds from the assumption: the disease knocks a person out of his usual rut, distracts,burdens, deprives the opportunity to be a free, reasonable, active being. The habit is characteristicnot only of intelligent beings like humans, but also of much simpler organisms. The habit takesplace where there is the same type of behavior in repetitive situations, where unconditional andconditioned reflexes work. The article is offered as food for the mind reference-philosophicalinterpretation of habits, as well as proverbs of different peoples about habit / habits. Selected variousproverbs help to present the analyzed phenomenon multidimensionally, in dynamics and in livingcontradictions. Based on the introductory material, the author demonstrates the universal situationin which the habit is born and manifested. Whatever it is, whatever the habit is, it is both a propensity,a need, a skill. These habits contain many ethically important оptions: moral choice, patience, courage,freedom/non-freedom, respect/disrespect, dignity/humiliation, responsibility/irresponsibility,humanity/cruelty, justice / injustice, moral evaluation and others. The key components of thissituation are: THE SUBJECT, which gets used to, object (to which it gets used), CONTEXT (in whichthe habit is developed), HOW is addictive, THE ОBJECT of what is happening, THE EMOTIONALATTITUDE of the subject, BEHAVIORAL EXPRESSION OF the subject, RESULT, ATTITUDE TOTHE WORLD OF THE UNCEA. The article gives a brief description of each of these components. Asa result of the discourse, the author comes to the hope that over time people, like hygiene skills, willacquire thoughtful skills of respect for themselves, for others, for other people. They will learn if notto design their moral and psychological characteristics, at least to «wipe out» their habits-customsto the habits-customs of others. To accustom yourself to smart-cultural work, and to positive, notdestructive forms of leisure.
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