• Irina Vitalievna Kazarinova School No. 102 Email: oksana041990@yandex.ru
  • Nikita Evgenievich Romanov School No. 102 Email: 811102@mail.ru
Keywords: profession, self-determination, preferences, youth, social factor


The article is devoted to the study of factors influencing the preferences of youngpeople in choosing a future profession, identifying the reasons for the professional choice of highschool students. Research methods — a sociological survey, analysis of sources. In February 2019,a sociological survey was conducted. The survey involved 94 respondents. 44 students of 11 classesof 102 schools of Barnaul aged 17–18 years were interviewed. For comparison, 1st year students ofthe Altai State University of the Faculty of Humanities (public relations, regional studies) and thenatural science faculty (chemists) were interviewed. The sample of students was 50 people aged 17–18, of which 46 % were male and 54 % female. The choice depends on many factors, young people’sawareness of their future profession is weak, influenced by external agents based on the results ofresearch on the Internet, social networks, media, advertising, to a lesser extent — by parents andteachers. The majority of respondents trust the Internet, about 60 % of schoolchildren and students,a fifth of the respondents trust the media and television. About 14–18 % of pupils and students trustparents and relatives, respectively. Pupils and students indicated other sources: themselves (3 %),books (1 %), I prefer to compile information from different sources. The most significant factors ofsocial choice include the influence of family, peers, and school. In the ranking of the most preferredprofessions for their children in the first place is the profession of a doctor. The second place isoccupied by the profession of a scientist. The third line in the ranking belongs to businessmen —30 % of our fellow citizens would very much like to see their child as an entrepreneur. Following areemployees of state bodies. Top 5 closes the military.


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How to Cite
Kazarinova I. V., Romanov N. E. FACTORS INFLUENCING YOUR PREFERENCES IN CHOOSING FUTURE PROFESSION // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 4(15). P. 37-44. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/7071.
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