Ɗe article deals with the problems of the motivation of preventive self-healing (MPSO) of a person in modern society. Ɗe author focuses on the indirect role of medicine as a stimulator of MPSO, in view of its negative role in these problems. Ɗe better medical care, the less a person wants to take care of their health on their own. But now we have just a signiĘcant crisis in the struggle of medicine for human health, and thus the motivation of self-improvement should increase in people.An attempt was made to determine the conditions for the internalization and implementation of MPSO.Ɗe main obstacle here is the monotoning of people with life routine and banal laziness along with disbelief.A conditional formula for the inćuence of personal and social factors on the formation of MPSO is proposed. From the formula one can see the complexity of the interaction of dişerent life circumstances and the choice of a positive solution for the formation of a sustainable long-term MPSO. [8, pp.167–169].Attention is drawn to the features of the types of GNI, as a predictor of interference practical student motivation. Ɗe division of students as a result of the research into three groups: “Managed”: (subgroups “Passive”, “Low-active”) “Independent” (subgroup “Balanced”) and “Unstable” implies the appropriate stimulating styles of leadership from the teacher and trainer [7, p. 194–197].Ɗe conditions for the motivation of an independent physical culture and sports activity as the most important part of self-healing as a whole are determined [3, pp.76–77].Ɗe rationale for determining the motivation of preventive self-healing in the coercive aspect is given. Ɗe main motive for self-healing remains forcedthe motive, when a poor state of health begins to limit a person’s normal vital activity and causes painful psychophysiological sensations. And although there is a compensatory adaptation of the organism, the person begins to feel more and more the need to begin a serious struggle for his health — this is the compulsory motivation for self-healing [12, c.66–67].
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