˷e article reveals the features of the organization of practice in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (GEF HE) based on the application of a competency-based approach.˷e analysis of innovative trends in the organization, content and objectives of educational, industrial and undergraduate practice in modern higher education based on the experience of training students at the Ural State University of Physical Culture. First of all, these are: 1) continuity in the organization of practices throughout the entire period of study at a university; 2) the transition from the content of the practice (which the teacher / leader of the practice should teach) to the results (what the student should do arer the successful completion of the practice); 3) the variability of tasks during the internship; 4) increasing interdisciplinarity in the organization and practice of students; 5) the use of the principle of modular organization in the design of practice programs; 6) the involvement of the subjects of the educational process in the game, evaluation, discussion, reʭective activity; 7) new forms of control over students’ internships (the introduction of a point-rating system (BRS), technological maps), which leads to the organization of an individual approach to the student undergoing practice.˷e essence and content of the main trends in the organization of the practice of bachelor students are revealed: a competency-based approach, task variability, individualization, systematic organization of practices, new forms of control and evaluation. Ways are proposed to improve the process of organizing student practice at a university.It has been determined that an important role in the educational process when students undergo internship is played by the university supervisor — this is a teacher who has some experience in teaching. ˷e professional and personal competencies of the head of practice from the university are disclosed, experience in organizing the forms of work for the professional training of heads of students from the university, which is carried out on the basis of the Ural State University of Physical Culture, is presented, the approximate topics of the classes of the “Head of Practice School” for theacademic year are presented, innovative directions of professional growth of the head of student practice from the University of Physical EducationFe article concludes with the ǁndings of the study.
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