e article is devoted to the problems of domestic violence in the territory of the Altai Republic. e prevention of crimes in the sphere of family-domestic relations is a rather complicated process, which is connected both with the diculties in identifying the causes and conditions for the commission of these crimes, the latency of these phenomena giving rise to more serious consequences, with the imperfection of methods, with the ineŸective level of organization of preventive activities in the eld under consideration, socio-economic and, on this basis, family problems. e main goal of the study is to identify signicant problems in combating domestic violence, and the prevention of family conicts. is article discusses the state of domestic crime at the level of a particular region, provides statistical data on crimes committed in the eld of family-domestic sphere. Various positions of modern Russian scientists on the state of preventing violent domestic crime are noted, the main problems in this area are identied. Based on studies of regional crime, the main problems that modern Russian society faces are identied.
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