• Vladimir Vladimirovich Babienko Odessa National Medical University Email: v_babienko@ukr.net
  • Anton Viktorovich Shanyhin Odessa National Medical University Email: anton.shanyhin@onmed.edu.ua
  • Olena Oleksandrivna Anhelutsova Municipal Clinical Hospital № 1 Email: helenochKa15@gmail.com
Keywords: vitamin D, sport, bodybuilding, running, swimming


Despite the large amount of research on the role of vitamin D in training athletes, anumber of unexplored issues remain. The article presents the data of the 25‑hydroxyvitamin D levelin 214 athletes of the Odessa region (97 men and 117 women) involved in sports such as bodybuilding,running and swimming. The age of the athletes included in the study group varied from 19 to 35years (mean age 24,7 ± 1,5 years). The assessment of the level of total serum 25‑hydroxyvitamin D inathletes of various sports was carried out according to the recommendations of the US Institute ofMedicine (U. S. IOM). The aim of the study was to determine the level of 25‑hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH) D) in athletes of various sports of the Odessa region (bodybuilding, running and swimming)to verify the prevalence of deficiency and vitamin D deficiency. To assess the duration and frequencyof training (gym or outdoor area), the presence of complaints and the recovery period, among allathletes conducted questionnaires.The growing amount of evidence of the positive effect of vitamin D stimulates the developmentof nationwide guidelines for the prevention of vitamin D deficiency and deficiency among athletesin southern Europe.Vitamin D deficiency and deficiency are widespread among athletes of the Odessa region. Thelargest number of athletes with a deficit of 25 (OH) D was noted among bodybuilders.It has been established that the training site (gymnasium or open area) does not affect the levelof vitamin D in the blood serum of athletes belonging to the observation group. It was noted thatthe level of 25‑hydroxyvitamin D in the serum of athletes in various sports had virtually no genderdifferences.There is an urgent need for the correction of vitamin D status in athletes of various sports ofthe Odessa region. Prevention of the deficiency and deficiency of 25‑hydroxyvitamin D should be apriority for sports doctors and health institutions in the south of Ukraine


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How to Cite
Babienko V. V., Shanyhin A. V., Anhelutsova O. O. HYGIENIC ASSESSMENT OF VITAMIN D LEVELS IN ATHLETES OF THE ODESSA REGION // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 4(15). P. 252-256. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/7104.
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