The article presents data on assessing the content of heavy metals in the body of 278children (143 boys and 135 girls) aged 12 to 17 years, living in various regions of the city of Donetsk.The survey complex included in-depth collection and analysis of complaints, objective examination.When assessing the psychoemotional and vegetative status, the questionnaire V. V. Sednev and Lushercolor test. The content of 8 toxic (lead, barium, cadmium, bismuth, aluminum, mercury, beryllium,thallium) and 6 potentially toxic (strontium, nickel, lithium, antimony, arsenic, tin) chemicalelements was determined in the hair by atomic emission spectrometry inductively coupled plasmaand atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization. Statistical processing of theresults of the study was carried out by the classical mathematical methods of variation statistics usingthe analysis package of the MedStat program. The relationship between the concentration of heavymetals in the hair of the examined children and in the soil is established. Disorders of health weredetected in 58.4 % of schoolchildren, the presence of chronic diseases — in 59.5 %, disorders of thepsychoemotional and vegetative status — in 72.5 %, the excess of permissible levels of toxic CE inthe body — in 72.2 % and potentially toxic chemical elements — in 45.7 % of children. A program isproposed for the correction of bioelement status, including the use of pectin-containing products.The results of the study served as the basis for the develo
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