• Emilia Iosifovna Sauko Belarusian State University Email: SavkoEI@mail.ru
  • Tatyana Vladimirovna Zernova Belarusian State University Email: zernovd2002@mail.ru
Keywords: posture, disorders of posture, spine, therapeutic swimming


This article talks about the violation of posture and the role of swimming in its recovery.The definition of normal posture and its types of violation. Posture — performs a number of tasks:provides a body position in which the volume and efficiency of movements maximizes; reduces thelikelihood of injury, especially with high physical activity; allows you to maintain the vertical positionof the body with a minimum load on the muscles, bones and ligaments. The variant of posturedepends on three groups of factors: the state of bones, ligaments and muscles; motor stereotypes (aset of reflexes that ensure the performance of familiar actions) and physique.Violation of posture gradually leads to a decrease in the mobility of the chest, diaphragm, toa deterioration in the spring function of the spine, which, in turn, negatively affects the activityof the main body systems: nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory. Its violation accompanies theoccurrence of many chronic diseases due to the manifestation of general functional weakness andimbalance in the state of muscles and ligaments.Scoliosis has 4 degrees of severity of curvature of the spine. Scoliosis of the first degree can bedetermined by the following criteria: flattened shoulders, lowered position of the head, stoop, on theside of curvature one shoulder girdle is higher than the other, asymmetry of the waist.Scoliosis of the II degree is characterized by the presence of the following symptoms on the sideof the curvature in the lumbar region, there is a muscular roller, and in the chest — protrusion, theangle of curvature is 10–20.Scoliosis of the III degree is determined by the signs: the presence of all signs of scoliosis of theII degree, retraction of the rib, pronounced torsion, a well-defined rib hump, weakened abdominalmuscles, bulging of the front costal arches and they approach the ilium, the x-ray shows a curvatureangle of 20–30 degrees.Scoliosis of the IV degree is characterized by severe deformity of the spine. The above symptomsof scoliosis are amplified, the angle of curvature is 30 or more degrees.The research methodology was applied: the Stange test, the Genchi test and heart rate, since themost effective and affordable indicators of the heart and the functional properties of the cardiovascularsystem and the work of the respiratory system.The causes and symptoms of impaired posture are given. Optimization of physical rehabilitationmethods using swimming is recommended.


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How to Cite
Sauko E. I., Zernova T. V. SWIMMING POSTURE RESTORATION // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 4(15). P. 269-275. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/7107.
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