When training a sportsman, it is important to know his individual typologicalpeculiarities. The literature analysis confirms that during young sportsmen’s training process itis important to know their individual typological properties in order to determine their trainingprograms strategy for the sake of effectiveness to achieve psychophysiological readiness. Adolescenceis important for sportsmen’s (boxers’) further development. Individual typological peculiarities reflectan individual’s genotypic and phenotypic characteristics, and therefore determine his behavioralcharacteristics, including those in sports activities. In the course of the research we have studied thejunior sportsmen’s (boxers’) psychophysiological peculiarities. Standard psychophysiological methodswere used to assess their higher nervous activity type, autonomic response, regulatory systemstension, system’s functional level and sensorimotor reaction time. All methods were carried outusing hardware and software systems “NS-Psychotest” and “Polispectr” (LLC “Neurosoft”, Ivanovo). It was established that 70 % of boxers have stable type of higher nervous activity (HNA), vagotonictype of vegetative regulation predominance, low level of regulatory systems voltage, average time ofsensorimotor reaction, average functional level of the system. The studied values reflect the individualcharacteristics of their nervous system peculiarities, the level of adaptation to environmental changesand the training loadings requirements. The received data indicate insufficient psychophysiologicalpreparation of this junior boxers’ group. The research results will be the basis for planning juniorboxers’ individual training process. The coach’s competent approach to junior sportsman’s trainingwill contribute to the further achievement of sports success and a long sports career.
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