The article discusses the personal properties of highly qualified weightlifters andvarious aspects of the effectiveness of their competitive activity in the main competitive exercises —jerk and jerk. Testing of athletes with the help of a 16‑factor personality questionnaire R. Cattell madeit possible to determine the relevant model personality characteristics of Kazakhstan weightlifters. Themodel indicators of personality included: with high values, anxiety, a tendency to dominate, volitionalself-control, radicalism, activity and reactive poise; with low pace values. Correlation analysison the search for relationships between personality traits and various indicators of competitiveactivity, including indirect ones, made it possible to identify patterns between the age of athletesand their propensity for collectivism, as well as the weight of athletes and their activity in sportsactivities and relationships with partners. In addition, a relationship was found between the anxietyof weightlifters, the impact of pushing and the overall rating of sportsmanship. Due to the smallnumber of correlations, a conclusion is drawn about the limited influence of personal properties onthe effectiveness of weightlifters. A comparative analysis of the personality profile of weightliftersof the lungs, medium and heavy weight categories shows their certain differences. For light weightcategories, the most important properties are: with high values — anxiety, social dominance, strongwilledself-control, activity and a tendency to leadership; with low values- the pace of thinking; formedium weight categories, the most significant are extraversion, activity, mood, leadership andemotional poise; for heavy weight categories — anxiety, leadership, stubbornness, strong-willed selfcontroland a low rate of thinking.
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