The systemic crisis of modern society more and more sharply raises the question of the search for mechanisms to preserve the physical and spiritual health of an individual. The unrestrained information flow, the acceleration of the life rhythm, the ever-increasing demands of professional competitiveness and much more create an increased psycho-emotional load in the life of a modern person. In our opinion, an analysis of the past generations experience, especially of Siberians could develop a special stress-resistant lifestyle and maintain bodily health will help find a way out of this difficult sociopolitical, economic, environmental and climatic situation. An example of such vitality, endurance and moral and psychological stability is the Old Believer population of the Uimon Valley in the Altai Mountains. The Old Believers were forced to relocate from Central Russia in connection with church reforms. They not only survived, but by the second half of the nineteenth century created sustainable forms of life and management in the harsh conditions of Siberia. The proximity to nature, the use of its healing powers and spiritual charge allowed them to survive many trials. All this was the basis of the physical reproduction of family and social relations. Also, Uimon Old Believers retained their cultural and religious values, providing spiritual and moral stability. The main social value was the family and its roots in the community.
The purpose of this study is to identify those social, household, cultural and religious factors that helped the Old Believers of the Altai Mountains to adapt to the harsh climatic conditions of the highlands and establish a stable economic life, preserve their cultural and religious traditions, and develop mechanisms stress-resistant behavior, as the key to spiritual and physical health.
The findings of this study are relevant for the formation of life values of the young generation and the correction of the life trajectory of mature people. Modern concepts of a healthy lifestyle are mainly focused on maintaining bodily health. They need to be supplemented with ideas about the spiritual health of the individual, the health of the family and society. This is the scientific and theoretical potential of this article.
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