The article discusses the possibility of training young athletes in a new sport — “water biathlon”, which is a new kind of competition in summer biathlon, held in closed waters similar to the competition in winter biathlon. “Water biathlon (biathlon on water)” — an innovative summer sport that combines for children who can swim from 7 to 13 years of movement on the water on skis for walking on the water, and for older age groups of athletes race on SUP -surfing and shooting in a dash on the water from a paintball marker (rifle), which during the passage of the track is transferred to the athlete. A brief information about the rules of the competition is given. Formulas of inventions patented I. F. Balenko set of technical means to carry them out water skiing for water biathlon where overcome the distance of children 8-13 years; Board of SUP-surfing for athletes 14 years; the firing position and target stand paleological for firing the paintball marker; boats for coaches and referees of the competition. The information from the history of the invention of skis for walking on water is given and the priority of Russia in this is indicated. It is also told that appeared at the end of the twentieth century SUP-surfing and paintball very quickly found numerous supporters around the world and, despite its short history, are already among the most popular summer entertainment.
Shows interesting this new sport for swimmers children from the age of six and their parents, access for athletes with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. This indicates to necessary to ensure the safety technical means used in paintball and surfing which should be required to apply in biathlon.
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