This article discusses the problem of improving the health of middle school students with the help of athletics exercises. Athletics is a basic sport, where there is a concomitant development of physical qualities involved. Students are taught vital motor actions and improve health. The development of physical abilities occurs in physical education lessons at school. Features of methods of teaching athletics exercises in the classroom in the middle classes. A healthy lifestyle, a positive attitude to sports and physical culture laid in the school years. Sports competitions and trainings help students to realize their potential abilities, to Express themselves as a person, to form a character and an optimal mental sphere. Athletics a sport where athletes show results on the verge of human capabilities; a means of recovery and rehabilitation of the body; a means of education and development of the younger generation; academic discipline, contributing to the formation of a specialist in the field of physical culture and sports.
Athletics heals the body engaged classes can be held in different conditions in the fresh air in the hall athletics classes for all types give a good load on the body, thus improving not only the work of the musculoskeletal system but also the work of all internal organs.
It is necessary to master the technique of athletics exercises because they have a vital applied value and form the Foundation of health, and a positive attitude to sports and physical culture is laid in the school years.
Classes on the section athletics at school can be carried out in three forms lesson, sectional classes and independent classes, all forms have common goals and objectives, but the priority remains for the fixed form of physical education classes.
When teaching athletic exercises must adhere to the following goals of the first lesson study, then the student, and lessons to improve elements of athletic exercises.
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