This article attempts to consider the features of the International Tourist-Sports Festival “Great Altai” as a form of international cooperation contributing to the popularization of sports (active) tourism in the transboundary Greater Altai region. Greater Altai is a unique place where the borders of four countries converge: Russia (Altai Territory and the Altai Republic), Kazakhstan (East Kazakhstan), China (Xinjiang — Uyghur Autonomous Region) and Mongolia (Bayan — Ulga and Khovdsky aimags). Cross-border tourism interaction within the framework of the “Great Altai” tourist-sports festival unites various types of sports tourism and sports in the natural environment. These include: rafting, mountain climbing (skyrunning), rock climbing, fishing sport, motor-paraplanerism, paragliding, tug of war, sports orientation, national sports (kures, arm wrestling, tug-of-war (bukhasha tartys), gorodoshny sport), cycle tourism, pedestrian tourism, water tourism, mountain tourism, combined tourism. The choice of these species is due to the specifics of their conduct, not requiring the creation of artificial sports facilities, but carried out in a natural environment. The cultural program of the festival, designed in the ethnic style of the participating countries, introduces the cultural and historical features, customs and traditions of the peoples of the Greater Altai region. The non-standard concept of the festival made it possible to get acquainted with the current state of tourism in the countries of the cross-border Altai and gain experience in effectively including various natural objects in the sphere of tourism. The presence of participants, judges and guests of the festival under equal conditions (living in a campground, eating in the field kitchen) stimulated the manifestation of friendly relations between representatives of different countries, promoted the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. A distinctive feature of the tourism and sports festival “Great Altai”, which distinguishes it from a number of other sports competitions, is the ability to “retrain” and take part in any type of festival program without being a professional athlete. The International Tourist-Sports Festival “Great Altai” was highly praised by the official representatives of the participating countries.
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