About violence in the family as a way of violating personal health: antique ideas and modernity

  • Pashaeva Elmira Khalikovna Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Email: p_elmira@mail.ru
  • Pashaev Khalik Parvizovich Gorno-Altai State University Email: p_khalik@mail.ru
Keywords: Violence, crime, narcotization, alcohol abuse, social problem, unemployment, domestic sphere, physical violence, mental violence, threats, harm to health


The article explores the various approaches and views of scientists on forms of violence, their signs and expression, provides a comprehensive legal analysis of domestic violence, examines the problematic issues of the causes of violence, identifies the most appropriate and reasonable points of view of individual scientists on the issues addressed, highlights the most debatable issues, requiring further study and resolution.


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Author Biographies

Pashaeva Elmira Khalikovna, Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Candidate of Law

Pashaev Khalik Parvizovich, Gorno-Altai State University

Associate Professor of the Department of Law, Philosophy and Sociology


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How to Cite
Pashaeva E. K., Pashaev K. P. About violence in the family as a way of violating personal health: antique ideas and modernity // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 2, № 18. P. 234-245. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/7908.
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