Ethical culture of the belarusian sports trainer: results of a sociological research

Keywords: Ethical culture, sports coach, sociological research


The relevance of the article is due to numerous facts of unethical behavior of representatives of the social institute of sports. In this regard, the article poses the following tasks: to review the most significant studies on the problem of interest; discuss the results of sociological studies of professional and ethical views of Belarusian sports trainers; present in a first approximation the outline of the ethical culture of a sports coach, taking into account the nuances indicated earlier. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the author offers methodological approaches to the study of the ethical culture of a sports trainer, as well as the structure of this phenomenon. In particular, such a structure should be based on the mission of the sports coach, on the coach’s vision of his place and role in solving the indicated prospects, on the master’s mastery of a number of life-behavioral competencies. The latter include the coach’s desire to have a decent appearance, the ability to activate a palette of learned social skills, the ability to aesthetically comprehend and make attempts to really transform the organization of the training process, the ability to comprehend the results from the point of view of analyzing the level of one’s own professional skill. Based on the understanding of this structure, the object of a sociological study was the professional and ethical views of Belarusian trainers working with young athletes under the age of 15 years. 1,540 respondents representing various sports (water sports, winter sports, game sports, athletics, gymnastics, rowing sports, cycling, ice sports) and various educational institutions (high school sports classes) were interviewed by anonymous questioning. , sports schools, sports sections and circles) in Minsk and regions. Processing the results in a first approximation showed the following. Belarusian trainers working in the field of mass sports, build relationships with students in humanistic positions and see their main task in strengthening the spiritual and physical health of the wards with an unconditional desire to prepare them for a worthy performance in sports. Coaches are sociable, friendly, striving to aesthetically comprehend their own appearance and place of their work. For them, spiritual unity with pupils, reflection of their own professional level, and the desire to improve themselves are important. Nevertheless, the respondents have certain problems with the emotional component in the process of discussing sports failures of young athletes and obvious violations of pedagogical ethics regarding colleagues in the workshop. This requires further sociological research in relation to individual sports, the experience of trainers and the gender component.


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Author Biography

Tsymbalyuk Elena Anatolyevna, Belarusian State University of Physical Culture

Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


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How to Cite
Tsymbalyuk E. A. Ethical culture of the belarusian sports trainer: results of a sociological research // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 2, № 18. P. 159-177. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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