Motivation is a pronounced factor in the fruitful activity of specialists of any profile and determines the productivity of labor, dissatisfaction with work leads to stress and stress. Purpose of work. To study the structural, age and gender characteristics of the motivational complex of university teachers. Materials and research methods. The motivation for professional activity (questionnaire K. Zamfir modified by A. Rean, 2006) was studied for teachers of a university in the central region of the Republic of Kazakhstan: 89 teaching staff of the Bolashaq Academy in Karaganda (16 men and 73 women) with a leading motive in the motivation complex calculated for each teacher: internal motivation (VM), external positive motivation (VPM) and external negative motivation (VOM). The results of the study. More than half (68.5%) of university teachers have internal motives (VM) for professional activity. For 11.2% of respondents, the desire to achieve success, to make a career, i. e. they are characterized by external positive motivation (VPM). However, one fifth of all respondents (20.2%) have an external negative motive (VOM), i. e. the need to earn money, the desire to avoid censure, etc. In the age-related aspect, VOM is most often demonstrated by teachers aged 40–69 (24.6%), and older teachers (88.9%) demonstrate intrinsic motivation (VM). Among teachers of women, there are almost 4 times more respondents with external negative motivation, compared with males. Conclusions. The data obtained indicate structural, age and gender differences in the dominant motivation for the professional activities of university teachers. A quarter of middle-aged teachers and as many women have negative motivation for professional activity, which is accompanied by a high level of emotional instability, fraught with stress and morbidity.
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