Behavioral model during pandemic (Covid-19) based on a student survey from Sofia Medical University
Annotation. Objective: to analyze how an emergency situation (Covid-19) affects psyche, morality, eating habits and sports activities of students (Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria) and create a unified constructive behavioral model during pandemic. Material and research methods. A survey with 15 questions was developed. It was conducted online in times of distance learning during the summer semester of teaching, 2019/2020, with Bulgarian and foreign students, being taught in specialties Medicine and Dental Medicine at the Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria. The total number of respondents taking part in the current survey is 112. The results of the study. The survey showed that a high percentage of participants are informed daily about Covid-19 situation, strictly observe the precautions and monitor changes in themselves. Health - psychological and physical, family care, solidarity and loyalty to society are prioritized. Conclusions. The following effective strategies have been determined on how to take care of physical, mental and moral health during pandemic (Covid-19). 1. Physical health - keeping overall lifestyle with slight changes (environmentally balanced diet with emphasis in nutrition on specific proteins, fruits and vegetables, moderate amount of food, generally accepted norm of liquid intake, regular physical exercises). 2. Mental health - staying mentally balanced; indicating a high degree of social empathy (staying relevantly informed of Covid-19, strict compliance with imposed safety measures, keeping personal, social and virtual hygiene, personal contribution - working as a volunteer or a nurse, staying in solidarity with community, showing support and loyalty and taking care of other people’s life). 3. Moral health - reassessment of the existing value system, prioritizing family relationships; a positive attitude towards life and outcome of the current pandemic. The outlined behavioral model Covid-19 should be supplemented with the responsibility of each individual to his/her physical, psychological, social and moral health. Implementing Covid-19 constructive behavior at present would definitely lead to control of today's pandemic situation.
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