Rock climbing for people with impaired coordination - dyspraxia
Abstract: The article provides statistics of modern children’s possibility of learning and the causes of this phenomenon. There is information on the psychological disorder of coordination disease - dyspraxia, its place in the ICD-10 is presented, as well as generally accepted theories of its occurrence and consequences of the disease. Methods for diagnosing dyspraxia in preschool children are presented. The importance of coordination disorderses problems of in everyday life, as well as traditional methods of treatment for dyspraxia are emphasized.
Rock climbing is considered in the article as a separate sport included by the International Olympic Committee in Olympic sports. Rock climbing types and subtypes are considered. The impact of rock climbing on physical and mental health has been objectively evaluated, and the ability of people with dyspraxia to safely and efficiently practice rock climbing from an early age has been shown. At the same time, the necessary technical resources for rock climbing are indicated to ensure safety.
Objective: to objectively assess the benefits of climbing both for healthy people and for people suffering from impaired coordination. Prove that climbing can help people with impaired coordination cope with the disease.
Material and research methods. Analysis of scientific literature, articles, scientific papers and study guides.
The results of the study. Сlimbing develops the mind, imagination, the ability to analyze, think a few steps forward. When climbing, all muscle groups are strained, motility is worked out, tenacity of the hands is improved, joint mobility is increased, muscle stretching is ensured. Climbing develops coordination and a sense of balance, trains the vestibular apparatus. This sport increases confidence in oneself and one's strengths, and also teaches one to deal with fears and stresses.
Conclusions. Climbing better than all other sports can help people suffering from dyspraxa (impaired motor activity and coordination) to overcome and overcome their disease.
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